We all forget things from time to time, but have you ever thought about exercising your brain to help strengthen your memory? This week’s post comes from Anthony Fernandaz, who explores the benefits of brain exercises, an alternate ways to help boost your memory, all from the comfort of your home.
12 health and safety best practices for remote working
Are you working from home at the moment? As we follow guidance to reduce the spread of coronavirus, many of us are finding ourselves working from home for potentially the first time. This shift in routine can be a difficult transition, even for people who may have already spent a portion of their time working from home each week.
If you are a manager of a team, or a professional whose working hours are continuing as normal, only this time from your home office, this guide is for you. Follow these useful tips to ensure the best health and safety measures are taken while working remotely.
How to manage your technology habit
This week’s post comes at a time where our habits around technology will be shifting dramatically - self-isolation due to the COVID-19 outbreak means we may be looking at our laptops, phones, TVs, and tablets a whole lot more. Guest contributor Amy Miller explores the pro’s and con’s of using technology, and how to manage this in a healthy, productive way.
6 tips for managing coronavirus anxiety
8 mood-boosting food and drinks for work
With a surge of awareness around mental health, we’ve also seen a resurgence of natural mood boosters. Strategies like mindfulness, a healthy diet, quality sleep, consumption of herbal drinks over sugary ones, and yoga practice are widely accepted as successful practices for better mental health.
In this post, we detail the top eight natural food and beverage mood-boosters to stock as office snacks, or in your kitchen cabinets, for an everyday routine to encourage positive mental health.