What is intelligent rest and how to prioritise it

What is intelligent rest and how to prioritise it

Rest is best - we know this not only from decades of scientific enquiry, but from our lived experience every day. Neuroscientist and sleep specialist Matthew Walker sums up the importance of sleep as “the single most effective thing we can do to reset our brain and body health each day” in his global bestseller Why We Sleep.

Unfortunately, this cure-all has become elusive or problematic for growing numbers. A study published in June 2020 found that 63% of the UK public reported their sleep had been worse since lockdown was announced in March. Half of those surveyed said their sleep was more disturbed than usual - which is often caused by stress and can itself increase stress levels. Many of us exist in a perpetual state of tired but wired, reliant on coffee and cakes for an energy boost during the way, and sleep aids at night when we struggle to switch off.

The power of positive thinking and affirmations

The power of positive thinking and affirmations

Did you know that the power of positive thinking can significantly impact your mental and spiritual well-being? While employing positive affirmations isn't new, more people are discovering how to put them into practice.

In this special guest blog, Rocio Espinoza explores the power of positive thinking and affirmations. Learn how to employ helpful thinking patterns that can influence proactive behaviour, and create empowering changes in your work, relationships and various aspects of life.

5 ways in which employee recognition can prevent burnout

5 ways in which employee recognition can prevent burnout

Michael Gungor made complete sense when he said, 'burnout is what happens when you try to avoid being human for too long.’ Many of us have started perceiving life as a mandatory race that we feel we need to run to survive. In this pursuit, we often tend to neglect the importance of our wellness and start inching towards burnout situations. This explains the reason why employee burnout is one of the most discussed phenomena in the contemporary business world.

What is your take on these alarming rates of employee burnout? In this special guest post, Jessica Robinson identifies the importance of employee recognition and how this can help to prevent burnout in the workplace.

How can entrepreneurs keep their hearts healthy while working relentlessly?

How can entrepreneurs keep their hearts healthy while working relentlessly?

Each year, the British Heart Foundation (BHF) marks February as National Heart Month in the UK, and we want to use this opportunity to raise awareness of the importance of prioritising your heart health and understanding the impact of stress on our physical health.

It has been said that entrepreneurs in particular are driven by paramount passion, the romanticisation of experiments, and tireless pursuit of dreams. But are you taking enough care of your wellness and your heart?

Engage for Success: A guide to maintaining optimal employee engagement

Engage for Success: A guide to maintaining optimal employee engagement

Employee engagement is currently a major talking point in the business world. As companies start shifting more focus onto the well-being and satisfaction levels of employees, a renewed sense of importance is being placed on employee engagement strategies.

But what exactly is employee engagement and how can organisations embrace this as part of their strategy? This week's guest blog, written by Gladys Torres, explores this in detail, and why it’s more important than ever to consider how to optimise employee engagement.