How are you getting on with growing your business with your wellbeing at the heart of it?
In what ways have you been nurturing a mentally healthy culture in your workplace?
What approach did you take to looking after yourself and others?
These are all questions we will be working through in our follow-up of this special workshop designed for solo-preneurs who are interested in growing a small team, or existing businesses who currently manage other people.
This follow-up session gives you a chance to be reflect on your progress from the first workshop in a safe and supportive environment, go through your action steps, and show your outcomes and progress over the 4 weeks since our first workshop together.
We will also explore and outline next steps on your entrepreneurial/business journey.
Please note: This is a follow up session to our Part 1 Workshop on Friday 26th April so please do come along to both. The follow-up workshop is only open to those that attend the first workshop.
As our pilot programme we're running for members of The Brew, this workshop opportunity is open to members and non-members. As such, we are offering a special discounted package rate for both workshop sessions.
Limited places available, please book early to guarantee your spot.
By purchasing a ticket to this event, you accept and acknowledge the use of your image in video and photos captured at the event for the documentation and promotion of the event or future events in perpetuity. If you do not wish for your image to be captured and/or used, please make this known to the designated event facilitator upon arrival on the day, prior to the commencement of the event.