How to adapt your wellbeing practices for winter
Join Calmer & wellness experts for our November Mindfulness event exploring ways we can look after our wellbeing as we head into the winter.
Full event schedule:
17:00: Welcome and Mindfulness exercise led by Tania Diggory
17:10: Grow through the seasons and prevent burnout, with Devorah Brous
17:30: Emotional intelligence tools, with Tania Diggory
17:50: Be Kind Movement presentation and interview, with Premila Puri
18:20: Intentions exercise led by Tania Diggory
18:30: Event ends
Alongside learning a range of empowering outcomes to support your mental health, we'll be raising funds to support Be Kind Movement's Kindness in Schools programme, teaching young children emotional intelligence and resilience skills. As always, our Monthly Mindfulness events are free to attend, however if you choose to donate to this wonderful cause, you or your organisation will be entered into an exciting prize draw!
For individuals who donate between £5-10, the prizes include:
• Free access to Calmer's Self-Kindness Ecourse: www.thisiscalmer.com/mindfulness-guides-and-ecourses
• A free copy of Calmer's Working from Home Guide plus Calmer Calendar Worksheet: https://www.thisiscalmer.com/wfh-guide
• Access to an exclusive screening of Be Kind Movement's short film "ITSY"
For businesses who donate £50, the prizes include:
• A 1-hour mental health webinar for your organisation, courtesy of Calmer
• Marketing for your business in December across Calmer and Be Kind Movements social channels
• Access to an exclusive screening of Be Kind Movement's short film "ITSY" for your organisation
To kickstart the fundraising, Calmer will be donating £100 as a brand and we encourage you to donate whatever you are able to at this time! Find out more about the wonderful Be Kind Movement and all their inspiring initiatives here: www.bekindmovement.co.uk.
We hope you will be joining us for this special event!
Contact us at valerie@thisiscalmer.com to inform the Calmer team of any accessibility needs.